Monday, May 5, 2014

#14 Green Progress Update

The new sod on Fourteen green was aerified watered and rolled Monday May 5th to help level the high and low spots and to help the soil profile to become more uniformly moist.

The soil cores were removed by hand, mechanically rolled then finally watered in.  Note the size of the soil core being removed. That tells you all you need to know as far as rooting goes.  A soil core removed from a mature green would be measured a full 2-4" in length!

Fourteen green it is coming along nicely. The sod is knitting in but isn't knit yet.  The putting surface is being rolled and topdressed frequently to make level the surface.  We felt the sod could handle the mechanical abuse after we aerified a small section of the green the green light was given to complete the green.  This will further assist us in creating a smooth puttable surface that you'll enjoy.  It was cut for the first time on May 2nd with minimal scalping.  A good sign of progress in my mind.  I know what you’re thinking so here’s my answer. The green will open for play once the sod has enough root mass to keep the lip of the cup from collapsing when impacted by a putted golf ball.

 In the photo pictured above the sod seamed haven't knitted together enought to form a uniform tight surface. Warmer weather will help.  FYI, the temporary green is cut with the same mower as used on the greens at Tri City.