Friday, October 12, 2012

Winding down.

Six weeks ago I posted this picture of full greens mower baskets after mowing or "harvesting" grass after cutting a single green! (8/30/2012.)

The turf was "juiced" on fertility and under no growth regulation.  I posted this photo to demonstrate the rate of plant growth between daily mowing's and to explain the negative effects growth has on putting green speeds.  The plant was easily doubling its height of cut in 24 hours.  Plant growth was needed to push putting green recovery after a record shattering year of heat and drought we fought this trough this year.

Today, my baskets looked like this after "harvesting" just one green. (10/11/12.)

It is safe to say that the growing season is at an end.  The lack of growth signals a shift in greens grooming practices that favor rolling over mowing or days of doing neither.  The lack of growth is a signal to me that the time is right to start making preventative snow mold applications to the golf course.  Why?  Because expensive plant protectant chemicals are not removed from the leaf blade they were meant to protect by mowing.  So be forewarned that the course will be closed from time to time for us to make those applications.  (All products need to dry to be effective and safe.)

Speaking of "it's that time of year" as our growing season winds down I happened to notice the Forsythia by the club house blooming!  Yes blooming on October 11th, 2012.

Notice the purple of the foliage caused by frost!  The weather has had the better of me all year and has left the plants confused as well.  Do you suppose, in the light of climate change, I should be making pre-emergant Crabgrass applications before the blossoms fall?  Just wondering.  _Mk