Wednesday, August 10, 2011

24 Caret Solid Gold; Aerification Update.

Fourteen down, six greens to go (seven if you count the nursery green as I do.)  Perfect fall like weather with cool nights and warm days has made post aerification a snap.  We will be completing three greens on Thursday and completing the final three greens on Friday before the rains arrive.  I've got my fingers crossed.

Thank you for allowing us to get a jump on this vitally needed work.  To put it simply, our greens had no roots upon which to survive.  8.18" of Rain in July with record temperatures and humidity saw to their demise.  August is one of the best times of year to aerify and to replant lawns.  With that said, every green aerified to date has been interseeded.  With good fortune, some of the bentgrass will germinate and grow forcing out the weaker Poa plant that went "belly up" during the beastly month of July.  I will recap July's misery in a blog note to follow.  _Mk