Thursday, July 25, 2013

Dog Days of Summer

Busy work.  Every Golf Course Superintendent having a "thin" budget knows exactly the value of busy work.  Creatively coming up with simple projects that improve the golf course without greatly impacting the budgets bottom line.  Glamorous work?  Hardly.  So when the grass mowing finally slows down we can now find the time to set out and complete the small items on our endless "to do" list.  Here  is just a small example of the jobs that are currently keeping us productive.

We grind the stumps from all the trees we removed last fall.

Sprinkler heads are edged to make it easier to find and read yardage plates.

Mulch made from our tree felling is spread out over exposed tree roots.

 Or to make landscape beds like this one.

Trees are limbed up to make it easier for you to find your errant shots and for us to mow.

And we make more mulch. 

Cart paths are graded smooth.

Some "tired" cart paths are simply rebuilt.  This is before,

And the after.  The path is just about complete already looking better.
There is a down side to busy work too.  Some times I'm asked why we are doing "this and not that" when "that" appears to be a priority.  Simple explanation?  You guessed it, money.  Maybe tomorrow, but for today I'll be dreaming up still more ways to improve your golf course without impacting the budgets bottom line.  Enjoy.  _Mk