3.) TWO green rollers. One isn't enough for eighteen holes, let alone 27! Present rollers do a nice job of "vibrating" topdressing into greens canopy but little green speed enhancement.
4.) Second Greens Aerifier. (Seeing LA places more value on street lamps than greens!) We are given a very tight window in which to complete the task. Two units would insure, weather depending that we could complete aerification of all 21 greens in two days.
5.) Deep Tine Aerifier. Primarily for winter surface drainage. Would be used to treat all course surfaces. Fairways, greens and tees.
6.) Pick up truck. Present pick-up truck is 20 years old. Transmission weak.
7.) 300 gallon sprayer. Greater capacity would allow us to treat fairways faster.
8.) Fertigation System.