Puxatony Phil |
March 20th, the first day of Spring my Facebook page just lit up with demands to fire the fury little weather prognosticator for his prediction an early Spring! Six weeks earlier on February 2, I was in the Minneapolis Airport watching CNN's coverage of this rodents prediction of an early Spring because he did not see his shadow. How could he see his shadow I've always thought, he's nearsighted for heavens sake? I on the other hand on the second of February was heading to San Diego were I knew the weather would be a constant 72 degrees and perfect. Cold, wet, foggy, grey dreary sky's most of my time there made me wish I hadn't left my winter coat in my car at the airport. I should have realized then and there that Phil got it wrong. The nightly news on the 20th made the comparison between this and last years weather. What a contrast. I did a little digging of the data from our weather station and here is what I found.
March 20 Highs/Lows
2013 18.4/4.5
2012 80.8/59.7
Wow! I know for a fact that the course was open and white balls were being batted about with the hot new white drivers. Not going to see that until some time in April this year I'm afraid to tell you.
For future weather prognostications, I think I'm going to back to the tied dried and true Farmers Almanac for mine. But in Phil's defense; there's always six weeks of Winter between Feb 2 and March 20th until the start of Spring. Hoping to see some green grass soon! _Mk