I took delivery of a few bags of greens grade fertilizer the other day and to be quite honest with you I was afraid to look at the price because of how tightly fertilizer prices are tied to fossil fuel prices. But to be gouged multiple times with one product is hard to swallow. First is the up front purchase price. I hate to date myself, but I remember buying bags of fertilizer for as little as $6.00 per bag. Today, this same bag will cost better than $50! This is known. The second and third price increase are those that are hidden.
The third price increase comes as product downsizing.
While my fertilizer example demonstrates first hand how you are getting less for your dues dollar it's not the only thing that has me peeved!
That's right, toilet paper. Fewer sheets, thinner ply's and narrower rolls!
It's a sad day in America when you have to "invent" a toilet paper dowel to keep the roll from falling to the floor. What should I do with all the patent royalties? _Mk