Monday, October 31, 2011

Employees can be Stooge's at times.

I had three "Ragamuffins" pop into my shop asking if I had any work just a little after 7 AM this morning.  They said they could count and really clean up the course now that the leaves are falling.

Joan, Cheryl and Marge
They only went by their first names Larry, Curly and Moe.  One of them constantly went "Nuk,nuk,nuk!"  I remember two of them really had a nasty "Habit" about them a few years back and were full on "Nun sense" too.

I hate to admit this but they are a lot better looking than some of the applicants I've seen this year!  What do you think, should I hire them?

"Happy Halloween" from Larry, Curly and Mo and all of us on your Green Section Staff!
Joe, Tim, Matt, Brian, Joan, Cheryl, Marge, Ron, Steve, Pete.

These "Stooges" really made my day!  It's great to see fellow BECC Staffers having fun on the job!  Thanks girls for the memories and the treats.  They guys on the crew were still talking about your visit over lunch. _Mk