Just a close up of one of the open aerification hole or growth chamber as I call them showing prominently two seedlings emerging to fill in our thin putting green turf. Proof that our inter-seeding can and does work when the time and conditions are right. Plants like these survive better because their growing points are sub ground having protection from the mower blades and foot traffic.
Two individual bentgrass plants can be seen just south of the ball point pen tip. |
You can see rows of inter-seeded grass appearing as straight lines in the aerification holes. |
While this is progress there is still a long way for this plant to grow before it reaches maturity. It is generally under stood that less than 5% of the seedlings survive inter-seeding dieing as a result of competition from surrounding plants such as Poa. I like to think of it as 5% less Poa I have to worry about keeping alive in years like this. _Mk