The practice putting green collar at the Tri-City Golf Course was removed last fall after the course closed for the season just before the snow came. So it came as quite a surprised to most golfers reappearing for the first this spring to see all the sod missing. More than once did we hear, "What da hell.....from several of the "old timers."
Over time the constant working of topdressing into aerification holes created a man made "berm" in the adjacent bluegrass bank. This curb created a bathtub greatly iimpeding surface drainage of the putting surface subjecting the green to winter injury.
With the sod removed to promote surface drainage, the annual Annual Bluegrass was injured. |
Nice definition! |
As this green was constructed with out a greens collar, it will now match her nine other sisters on the course. The sod was a "low mow" variety of bluegrass sod that we grew in our own sod nursery. Low mow blue grass survives low heights of cut down to .375". Try scalping your home lawn at that height of cut and you will kill the variety of bluegrass you have in your lawn.
Great Job Men! |
Enjoy! _Mk