Have you ever questioned why ball washers are placed near a tee box? Here is a pictorial essay of one of several golf course accessories that we refurbish on a biennial basis to keep them fresh looking for your use.
Ball washers are removed from their posts for inspection, cleaning or prepping for painting. |
We alternate painting the bases in the even years as they need care too. We no longer have the time in our down season to completely disassemble and repaint the entire assembly. Look closely and you can see the posts need to be repainted, but that will have to wait until next year. I'll touch them up to mask the rust. |
If we didn't, over time this ball washer would be "welded" to the post due to corrosion. As it were, I used a rubber mallet to separate this unit from its base assembly. |
What the inside of the post looks like.
Ball washer bodies are inspected. It was very apparent that our inventory had become an embarrassment no longer worthy of a private club. |
Covers showed signs of corrosion |
The inside of the bodies also showed deep pockets of corrosion. |
Ball washers were sand blasted to remove lose paints and to "etch" the surface for the painting to come. |
Forty two ball washers prepped waiting for a warm winters day. |
It took almost a full week to prep the covers and bodies for painting. The protective factory "powder coat" had long since been removed by sand blasting over the years. |
The perfect day finally arrived on March 7th. We could finally paint outdoors in good light without freezing. |
Covers hung with care for drying. |
Our mechanical lift served as a drying station. Each cover and body received two coats of paint. |
The finished product. |
Reassembled and awaiting the start of the 2011 golf season. |
I'll answer my question with a question and I'll let you think about it. Who putts with a dirty ball?